How to clean up duplicate Gmail contacts?
Google is a one-in-all toolkit. Through Google, you can use different accessories- Maps, News, G-mail, and Google drive. By simply owning a Google account, you can access a chain of apps and features that make organizing your life on the Internet easy.
G-mail is a popular e-mail service powered by Google that attends to all your communication and connectivity needs. G-mail is heavily used for personal as well as business and work-related purposes. G-mail branches out spectacularly into e-mail management. Its many features and options let you organize your e-mail catalog as you like. A typical G-mail account is provided with a primary, social, and promotions inbox. The division of your mails into these inboxes are automated by Google. You can also star and draft your emails, and use Smart Compose to make the best impression on your recipients.
Besides being an all-purpose and amazing app in itself, Gmail takes a futuristic approach to mailing services. With tools like the tasks list and contact manager, you’ll have an advanced e-mail experience. The focus of today’s article is the latter- contact manager.
The contact manager can be used to save and sync contact information. With this, you can easily access contacts to send emails or share google contacts files with them. You can also sync your contacts by connecting your account to an Android device. This will make sure that your contacts are always safe and backed up.
While Google keeps your organization all well and good, sometimes this may happen-
While scrolling through your contacts, you might notice that your account has saved two of the same contact. This is called duplication of contacts, and it is common. This happens when you sync contacts from different sources. In other words, when you save different phone numbers or email addresses or any other contact info separately for the same person, duplication takes place.
Picking out duplicates and removing each of them physically can be tiring and long. To save you from that predicament is why we’re swooping in with a solution. With Google’s merge feature, you can let the software run and identify duplicated contacts. Google will then merge them into one straight-forward contact.
This built-in function does the work of two hands (literally), so lay back and let Google do the hard work.
Removing Duplicate Contacts in Gmail
Hop over to the contacts app for some good merging and fixing! Duplicate contacts can get confusing and annoying to look at. This option is much like the medicine to your crowded contacts list.
Of course, if you have a short contact list or prefer to be manual about this, you can delete duplicate contacts from your list. However, the easiest and fastest way to get rid of duplicated contacts is by using Merge and Fix. Here’s how that works:
Step 1: Log in to your Google account.
Step 2: Click on the drop-down Google apps panel on the top right corner of your homepage. Select and open the contacts app.
Step 3: The contact list will be displayed on the screen. Click on the Merge & Fix option in the menu bar on the left.
Step 4: Google will display duplicated contacts. You can choose to merge all pairs of duplications or dismiss what you want to keep.
With Google’s help, you can successfully remove duplicate and unnecessary contacts from your organized work palette. Merge and fix helps keep your dashboard clean and professional. Thus, it is time you utilize this feature to its maximum and reap its results.
Our Recommended Google Contacts Sharing App: Shared Contacts for Gmail App
You Can Download the Gmail Contact Sharing Chrome Extension